Fair Conduct at the General University Sport

Fair conduct – against sexualised violence

Heidelberg University is a place where a diverse group of people meets: here, people of different gender, sexual and religious orientation and worldviews, from different backgrounds, walks of life and countries come and work together in a range of roles.

In providing a broad sports programme, the General University Sport is a meeting place for thousands of university members who seek enjoyment and relaxation in sporting activities or who train for competitions.

The General University Sport stands for mutual respect and esteem and mindful interaction with other people. We vigorously oppose any form of harassment or sexualised violence and encourage all our participants to report inappropriate behaviour and incidents either directly to us or to the university.


Whom you can contact:

Prof. Dr. Christiane Schwieren – Equal Opportunities Commissioner of Heidelberg University

Email: christiane.schwieren@awi.uni-heidelberg.de

Phone: 06221 54-2953

Dr. Christina Roth – Deputy Equal Opportunities Commissioner of the Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural Studies

Email: christina.roth@issw.uni-heidelberg.de

Phone: 06221 54-4632

Annette Kietzmann – Equal Opportunities Commissioner of the General University Sport

Email: annette.kietzmann@issw.uni-heidelberg.de

Phone: 06221 54-8629


The AKTIV! gegen sexualisierte Gewalt campaign of the German University Sports Federation (adh) is targeted at any kind of transgression and encourages to act jointly and decisively against any form of sexual harassment.

The adh is the umbrella organisation of all the university sport institutions in Germany and represents more than 200 associated colleges and universities with approximately 2.4 million students.