Competition Unit (Sportreferat)


Competition Unit, Competitive Sport at Heidelberg University

Jasmin Cais

Marie Neumann

Consultation hours by arrangement

Management, Competitive Sport at Heidelberg University

Thorsten Damm

Tel. 06221 54-4347

Consultation hours by arrangement

Area of Responsibility

Basically, the competition unit deals with all athletes who are members of Heidelberg University or who want to compete in contests against other universities on behalf of Heidelberg University. This includes all students and staff members of Heidelberg University, including Erasmus students and staff of Heidelberg University Hospital.

Note: Students can still take part in competitions over the entire year following their disenrollment from university (they need to show their certificate of disenrollment/exmatriculation to the organiser on the day of the competition). Staff members must present their work contract or written proof of employment.

As there is an official competition team for Heidelberg registered at the adh (German University Sports Federation), students and staff members of the Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg and the SRH Heidelberg may also participate. Interested parties from these institutes are welcome to get in touch with us.

Registering for competitions

The registration process for competitions of the adh is as follows:

  1. Find out when the relevant event for your type of sport takes place and read up on the specific details (on the adh website). There, you find the most important information (date, location, registration deadline, implementing rules, notes on financial aspects and so on).
  2. Get in touch with the spokesperson for your type of sport (see the list on our website).
  3. Your spokesperson will provide you with further information and may establish the contact to other participating athletes (for joint travelling and accommodation etc.).
  4. The competition unit (Sportreferat) will handle the actual registering in the internal log-in area. For this, we need the collected registrations from the spokespersons or, in the case of individual registrations, the contact details of the relevant athletes.

Registration deadline:

If the registration deadline has passed, but a late registration after the announcement of the competion is possible, you can make use our services but will have to pay the resulting penalty fee yourself.

Registering a competition team:

Students and staff from the Pädagogische Hochschule or the SRH wishing to join the university's competition team need to supply the competion unit with the details of the non-university athletes. The athletes may have to contact their own competition unit in order to clarify funding matters and so on. It is not possible to form a team with other universities (e.g. the University of Mannheim).