Who can participate?
Students from the following universities/institutes may participate in our sporting activities:
- students of Heidelberg University
- students of the University of Mannheim
- students of the Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg (Heidelberg University of Education)
- students of the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg (Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies)
- students of the Hochschule für Kirchenmusik Heidelberg
In order to use the services of the General University Sport a valid student ID card is required. For excursions, tours and one-off events no sports ID card is needed.
How much does it cost to participate?
Sports ID card of the General University Sport:
Students do not need a sports ID card, instead they use their validated student ID card.
Course fees:
We charge a fee for our courses, the amount of which can be seen in the respective course description. The fees are subdivided into three different tariffs (students; staff; guests/alumni).
How to pay?
Course fees:
Fees for sports courses are to be paid by bank transfer. Alternatively, you can pay in the admin office of the General University Sport.
Direct payment in the admin office:
Students pay using their student ID cards.
Cash payments or payments with credit card are not accepted.
How to proceed when booking courses?
After booking a course, you have until the following day to transfer the course fee into the relevant bank account of the university. Your booking does not become valid until we have received your payment. The bank account details are listed in the booking confirmation in your user account. Please specify the payment reference exactly as stated there, otherwise we might not be able to relate your payment to your booking. Please do not make a bank transfer if you are only on the waiting list!
Please transfer course fees promptly as you will not be able to participate in courses before the corresponding payment has been entered into the university's accounting system. This takes a few days. Your booking entitlement becomes void if we do not receive your course fee within five working days (booking day plus four working days).
We do not confirm the receipt of your payment by email. You will be able to check your payment status online in your user account. Once your course booking has been set to “paid” you will be able to request participation tickets for your course(s). If after five days your booking status still shows as unpaid, please send an email to the administration office of the General University Sport and attach proof of your payment.
If you change your mind about participating in a booked course, please delete your booking in your user account as soon as possible so that other interested parties may take your place.
Cancellations and Refunds
With regard to cancellations and to refunds of course fees, we distinguish between courses that run regularly over several weeks and compact offers such as workshops, tours and excursions.
Courses lasting several weeks and CARD courses:
Generally, bookings for University Sport courses taking place weekly (courses during the semester and courses in the non-lecture period) can be cancelled, in writing, before the course starts or, at the very latest, immediately after the first course date. To do so, you need to send an email to our administration office ( not later than 10.00 a.m. on the day following the first course date. Refunds of course fees will be credited to CampusCards or student ID cards only. We do not reverse bank transfers. Adhering to this tight cancellation deadline enables us to provide other interested parties with freed-up course places – which is no longer viable at a later stage.
One-off events, workshops, tours, excursions:
In general, it is possible to cancel such events. The applicable cancellation deadlines and fees are stated in the respective course descriptions. In any case, there is a minimum cancellation fee of € 10.00.
Refunds of course fees (in the case of timely cancellations or when a course does not attract the minimum number of participants) are exclusively credited to student ID cards or CampusCards (no reversals of bank transfers)!
Any refunds of course fees need to be claimed during the semester in question. After the semester has ended any claim to a refund expires!
In the case of one-off events, workshops, tours and excursions, refunds will only be made after the entire event has taken place.